
Here's a list of the different courses I have TAed previously.

  • Summer 2019, Winter 2020
  • CS 133 and CS 233: Networking Lab, University of California, Irvine

    Designed network simulation labs in GNS3 that utilizes Linux hosts and Cisco routers. Contributed to the network security portions such as arp-spoofing and syn-flooding.

  • Spring 2019, 2020, Summer 2020
  • ICS 53: Pirnciples in System Design, University of California, Irvine

    Responsibilities involved with holding lab sessions for providing coding assistance in C twice a week for the class with sizes ranging from 200 to 500 students.In addtion to lab session, a TA is also required to hold discussion sessions to provide explanation and hold office hours for answering programming questions.

  • Fall 2019
  • ICS 51: Introduction to Computer Organizations, University of California, Irvine

    Holding multiple lab sessions and help student with understanding the assignments as well as help debugging Assembly code.